Fostering sustainable cities: How UN-Habitat is using KoboToolbox for inclusive urban development in Brazil

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is working with local leaders in the Juiz de Fora municipality of Brazil to advance inclusive and transformative solutions to urban challenges. Their collaborative Territories of Citizenship project aims to leverage crucial data to improve service delivery for urban communities.

Kobo awarded the 2024 Platinum Seal by Candid: Our commitment to transparency and accountability

Kobo has earned Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency, their highest rating for transparency and accountability for nonprofit organizations. This recognition underscores our commitment to actively sharing information about our strategic priorities and programming with our users and supporters.

Announcing the Humanitarian Needs Assessment E-Learning Program: A free learning resource on KoboToolbox Academy

The Humanitarian Needs Assessment E-Learning Program is now available for free on the KoboToolbox Academy platform. Designed specifically for humanitarian organizations, this training provides a comprehensive overview of the needs assessment process, including data collection and coordination.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: How Kobo and partners are collaborating for sustainable data-driven change

The Caribbean Development Bank in collaboration with Kobo, the World Bank, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean are hosting the second hybrid observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Thursday, October 17, 2024.

Streamlining monitoring and evaluation workflows with the enhanced TolaData KoboToolbox integration

Kobo and TolaData are pleased to introduce an enhanced integration that automatically synchronizes data across the two platforms for improved project monitoring and evaluation. With the new TolaData auto-pull feature, data collected with KoboToolbox is directly integrated with project indicators in TolaData, optimizing resources and streamlining reporting.