How the Caribbean Development Bank is using KoboToolbox to enhance community resilience in the Caribbean

The Caribbean Development Bank, an institution dedicated to reducing inequality in its member countries, has provided critical training to over 200 aid workers on using the KoboCollect app to gather data for emergency response and disaster risk management, which is used to empower communities to become partners in building their own resilience.

KoboToolbox selected as Gold Winner for Best Humanitarian Product in the inaugural Anthem Awards

The inaugural 2022 Anthem Awards, a program that celebrates purpose and mission-driven work worldwide, has awarded this honor to KoboToolbox’s data collection platform for revolutionizing the way data is collected across the world.

Building Better Longitudinal Surveys with Dynamic Data Attachments

Learn how you can setup robust longitudinal surveys, retaining all of your initial data from the original survey while having the necessary data automatically gathered into future surveys.

Joint Initiative Announced to Enhance KoboToolbox for Data Collection and Analysis in Displacement Contexts

Kobo Inc. and JDC have partnered to strengthen KoboToolbox, part of JDC’s ongoing effort to strengthen data systems and fill data gaps in order to improve the lives of people affected by displacement.

Using the Public Collections Feature to Power Your Survey Creation

KoboToolbox’s Public Collections feature makes it easy to create, store, and share questions across surveys, teams, and organizations. KoboToolbox’s Public Collections feature makes it easy to create, store, and share questions across surveys, teams, and organizations.