
We maintain and host KoboToolbox, a data collection, management, and visualization platform used globally for humanitarian action, development, environmental protection, peacebuilding, and human rights.

More than 14,000 non-governmental and international organizations use our tools to create data-driven social impact across the world. KoboToolbox is also actively used by virtually all United Nations agencies, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, as well as more than 350 government institutions and many international development banks.

Our tools are built to foster deeper engagement with and accountability to local communities. Our multilingual features enable users to work more effectively in local and global teams and to collect more diverse and accurate data. As a result, more than 170 million people in humanitarian crises were positively impacted by organizations using KoboToolbox between 2016–2021, according to an independent audit by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Learn more about how KoboToolbox is used in different sectors around the world to make a difference.

Humanitarian assistance

Improving humanitarian assistance in Syria

Transforming humanitarian work through voice capture and translation

Helping displaced populations in Ukraine

Conducting demographic survey of displaced households in Syria

Supporting emergency response efforts in Moldova

Disaster response

Bridging the gap between data science and disaster relief in Colombia

Enhancing community resilience and disaster response in the Caribbean

Monitoring and evaluation of disaster response framework in Zimbabwe


Supporting rural development in the Philippines

Improving monitoring and evaluation capacity in challenging environments

Geospatial mapping to help end poverty


Monitoring of supplementary immunization activities

Combating malaria during a pandemic

Examining risk factors for type 2 diabetes

Building awareness of breast cancer symptoms

Assessing attitudes, knowledge, and practices related to foodborne diseases

Assessing physician work fatigue and well-being in Lebanon

How ​​community advisory boards promote community engagement in health research in Uganda

Peacebuilding and human rights

Documenting attacks on healthcare

Tracking attacks on education

Promoting an evidence-based protection response

Supporting girls’ resistance in Sierra Leone

Real-time monitoring of peacebuilding projects

Remote monitoring of projects in crisis and conflict situations

Environmental protection and climate change

Preventing extinction of native plants

Tracking dragonfly migration across continents

Reducing the impacts of climate-related risks on food security in Fiji

Preserving critically endangered marine life in the Mediterranean


Mapping plant distributions in Pennsylvania

Visualizing spatial data linked to coastal archaeology artifacts

Prioritizing digital skills training needs in the heritage sector (see Morecambe Bay Partnership Survey)

For more examples of how KoboToolbox partners and users are making a difference on the ground, see the impact stories on our blog.

By making detailed, reliable, and up-to-date data available for monitoring key indicators of progress towards crucial development goals, we can achieve a more nuanced understanding of the context and the communities we serve and make more informed decisions in humanitarian, development, environmental protection, peacebuilding, and human rights actions.